Nature Trail

The weather forecast was rain today so we cancelled the group walk. We decided to go for a swim (indoor pool of course too cold for outdoors still). Afterwards we had coffee and toast, still no rain so we decided to go for a little walk into the Arroyo valley.

There are some really lovely flowers at the moment so it turned out to be a 2 hour nature trail.

During the walk two things happened which were unusual. First we met with a Spanish senderismo group from Malaga who were doing the same route that we were doing but in the opposite direction, the second was that we spotted a birds nest with three eggs in only about a metre from the path that we were on. We managed to do the whole walk without a spot of rain, don't know what is wrong with the people at the met office this year? Only know two of the flowers anyone know what the others are?


First poppy of the year

Birds nest only a metre  from the path
