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Hi everybody just thought I would let you know about some recent antics that I have been up to. Last Saturday night I went to my favourite place Villa Alta to a party and had a great time and would like to thank all the people who gave me lots of nice food and lots of attention all night.
Then on wednesday I went for a walk with the Deemings to my favourite rabbit chasing area from Villanueva de Tapia to Salinas ,but they kept me on the lead all the way so I could only chase them for about 5 meters before getting choked by the lead. On the way back we got caught in a heavy rainstorm and what was a few puddles on the track on the way was now a torrent and we all had to jump across a ditch, one of the walkers tried to pick me up to get me across but I won't let anyone do that so jumped and did not make it across to the other side and sank under the water. Good job that I was on the lead as they could pull me out and not get washed away. I did not like the muddy water and chocked a lot all the rest of the way back.   
